
Easy And Advanced Yoga - What Is The Difference?

Most westerners usually wince when they the subject of yoga is brought up. All they see is complicated poses done by yoga practitioners. But there is easy yoga and the advanced level, so everyone who is interested can pick it up. Both easy and advanced yoga are formed thousands of years ago in India to assist practitioners achieve balance and harmony in their life. With a balanced and harmonious body, it is easy to be one with the universe.
Yoga is never religious although it was passed down from traditional Hindu sacred document. Easy yoga poses can be obtained from classes, self-help books, self taught videos or DVDs but it is better to begin learning from a qualified yoga teacher. You will then pick up all the proper yoga poses.
Yoga lessons can be tailored for children, pregnant women, senior citizens, etc as easy yoga is not at all difficult to pick up. Exercises keep your body fit and healthy and easy yoga fits the bills as it can be done in relax and joyful approaches.
As your muscles grow suppler, you will experience a growing confidence in addition to rejuvenation, reassurance and relaxation. As a form of meditation, it can help reduce stress and frustrations as well as getting healthy.
Beginners can practice yoga by following few basic steps and from there you can fully understand and garner the many benefits of yoga. Through practicing beginning yoga, you will feel emotionally and physically better.
Initially you will have to pick up the dissimilar features of yoga and the differing types. The philosophy of yoga needs to be learned as well, including the breathing techniques that will assist you in relaxation so as to attain stability to be able to acquire a right frame of mind to do intense meditation.
As you started off with beginning yoga, you will have to experience many levels of yoga and from there build up capability to sense what can be done from one level to another. Altogether there are eight levels and you need to be able to overcome each to achieve insight to a greater life. It is necessary to observe the morals and ethics of yoga in order to lead healthy life.
One of the many benefits of beginning yoga is its curative purposes and it can better your mental and physical well being. Your body will become suppler and you will be able to move about easily and you will also gain muscles and a well toned body. The mental aspects will be a reduction in stress level with increasing consciousness and calmness of mind in addition to concentrating better.
Advanced yoga is taught not to show off but one of the main attribute is humility. Yoga lessons create harmony between mind, body and soul. Although it can be learn from DVDs, books, magazines, etc, do not attempt it if you are not familiar as it is more difficult that envisage. Advanced yoga is for those experienced practitioners and Pilates can be useful too, even though Pilates focus on body and not mind and soul.
Advanced yoga is a gradual build up from easy yoga but there is more than meet the eyes as building up your ethics and morals as well as staying calm and be able to take what life throws at you and follow god's guidance.
Advanced yoga can muster the mind to walk on broken glasses or through fire and even went without food for days, be clairvoyance and even levitate. But that is not what advanced yoga encourages as it is to be unified with the universe and show you the direction in life.
Another difficult type of yoga is the power yoga and it can be thought of as similar to karate. Even with experience in martial art instructions, you might not be sufficiently prepared to take on power yoga.
Power yoga require total dedication as the training can be intensive but it make little sense as yoga is understood to be relaxing and calming to the mind and body. But power yoga is very physical in nature.
Power yoga is all about fitness and complements the usual stretching, balance and focus; it helps in your blood circulation. The reason is more oxygen is propelled to the muscles, thus improving energy level.
Power yoga is the best way to keep fit and with this, it will help you to grow old with poise and not rapidly. Picking the techniques of power yoga is not enough, you need to practice consistently or your fitness level will drop. Sticking to a firm schedule daily is essential even with distractions. This is what discipline is all about.

Article Source: http://EzineArticles.com/719139


Ayurvedic Treatment said...

Useful post which is describing the features of advanced yoga. Well as I read this article that advanced yoga is encourages as it is to be unified with the universe and show you the direction in life. Please explain it more clear words and explain that what is the difference between advanced yoga and normal Yoga.

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