
Electricity Dependence and Energy Conservation

Why are we so dependent on electricity? The answer is simple - electricity allows modern appliances and more convenience in our lives. What would life be like if we went back to the time before electricity? Life was much harder than, and electricity has made modern life possible. The problem with being dependent on electricity is the fact that much of the electricity we use is created in coal powered energy plants. When coal is burned, greenhouse gases and pollution are emitted that cause environmental harm. Going back to no electricity is not a viable option, but we can lower our electricity consumption and find other ways to create electricity using alternative energy sources instead of coal and other fossil fuels. Waste to energy programs are one way that needed electricity can be produced without using fossil fuels, and there are many others.

The basics of electricity production are not as complex as many believe. Electricity can be produced using many other methods besides ones which require fossil fuels. Wind power, solar power, ocean power, and geothermal power are all alternative energy sources which can produce electricity. The basic production is the same though because all electricity starts with electrons, and a conductor which allows these electrons to travel through the material. Without a conductor it is not possible for electricity to travel from one place to another. A generator is used to move the electricity in the desired direction and flow. For electricity to be produced an electrical circuit is needed. Electricity production is possible using alternative energy sources instead of coal or other fossil fuels, and this will give many benefits, including environmental benefits.

Energy conservation efforts must be used to minimize electricity dependence, while using alternative energy sources to create the electricity needed. But exactly what lies behind real energy conservation? Real energy conservation means cutting back on the electricity you use, and making sure that the electricity you do use for necessities is produced from eco friendly alternative energy sources, instead of coal or other fossil fuels. If you have older appliances, replace them with energy efficient models that do not require as much electricity, and make your home as energy efficient as possible. Try to minimize electricity use as much as possible, and use clean sources of electricity.

The benefits of using energy saving light bulbs can help with electricity conservation. These bulbs last ten times longer than the usual light bulbs, and do not cost much more. Energy saving bulbs can help save both money and energy, because they do not have to be replaced as frequently, and they require much less energy to use. In addition less waste goes to the landfill, because energy saving bulbs do not need to be replaced anywhere near as often as traditional light bulbs. These bulbs can be an efficient way to conserve energy and protect the environment from harm, and is just one way out of thousands that you can use conservation efforts to make a difference. Electricity dependence does not mean conservation efforts can not be effective. Protecting the environment, conserving energy, and using alternative energy sources to produce electricity will prevent any energy crisis and keep the environment in good shape.

Article Source: http://EzineArticles.com/1850988


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Energy conservation efforts should be used to attenuate electricity dependence, whereas using different energy sources to form the electricity required. however precisely what lies behind real energy conservation? Real energy conservation suggests that clipping on the electricity you utilize, and ensuring that the electricity you are doing use for wants is created from eco friendly with us energy sources, rather than coal or alternative fossil fuels. Thanks for sharing such helpful article with us regarding electricity dependence.

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